
About Us

Life Plus is a very small but highly dedicated charity organisation working hard create a self-help environment where those who are less fortunate can have the tools, knowledge and skill sets to help themselves. The sole purpose of Life Plus is to help the poor and destitute achieve an acceptable standard of living through education, health, social welfare and income generation projects.

Empowerment - not just hand-out!

We strongly believe in self-help, hence our projects are geared towards empowerment and creating self-sufficiency. We seek to empower some of the poorest people in a very poor country to equip themselves with the necessary tools, training and knowledge so that they can realise their true potential. We are a non-political, non-sectarian and non-profit making humanitarian organisation run by a very small group of volunteers from Manchester, United Kingdom.

Our Programmes cover?

Educating children and young people, providing basic health care facilities and employment creation and sustainable developmentthrough social enterprise
Established in 1998 by its founder Mr Shafi Rahman, who had a vision to change how people lived in his ancestral home, he wanted to see people in Bangladesh to be educated, have decent health care and have jobs so that they could have a basic quality of life and thereby live with honour and dignity. Due to our local knowledge and expertise our current mandate of work includes the United Kingdom and Bangladesh. However, we have aspiration to expand in other developing nations in due course.

Our Registration and Governance

Life Plus is a registered charity and governed by the authority of the Charity Commission of England and Wales registration number: 1107845. It also works in close partnership with our sister organisation Life Plus Institute for Social Advancement (LISA) also a registered NGO within the NGO Bureau of Bangladesh.

Life Plus is a very small but highly dedicated charity organisation working hard create a self-help environment where those who are less fortunate can have the tools, knowledge and skill sets to help themselves.

Registered charity number: 1107845


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