H A Wahid High

Haji Abdul Wahid Chowdhury High School

Because we strongly believe education is the backbone of a nation and that reduction and elimination of poverty can be achieved through long-term investment in education, knowledge and skills-development is the reason why we have invested significant amount of time, money and energy into building the Haji Abdul Wahid Chowdhury High School.
Located in the village of Kalapur-Khagaura, Bahubol (bordering Nabiganj) district Habiganj, North East Bangladesh, servering students from 10 other villages. It was inaugurated by the Hon Minister of Social Development for Bangladesh the late Mr Mustafa Shohid MP in 2009. The doors were first opened in 2013 with one small building and 76 students, today it boasts nearly 900 students, 65% of whom are girls, with many orphans, most of the pupils come from very poor financial backgrounds. Amazingly the school is run and managed by a team of just 15 staff.

Currently Needs

The school requires much more space to accommodate the ever expanding student population, needs ceiling fans to provide protection from the heat, concrete flooring and a boundary for security as well as to employ a lot more qualified teachers.

Life Plus is a very small but highly dedicated charity organisation working hard create a self-help environment where those who are less fortunate can have the tools, knowledge and skill sets to help themselves.

Registered charity number: 1107845


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